What is Western Rite Orthodoxy?

I’ve been combing the internet trying to find videos and other materials that explain what Western-Rite Orthodoxy is all about. The first place you’ll want to go is to the website (rocor-wr.com) of our group of over 30 churches and missions, and two monasteries. We are called “The Western Rite Communities of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.”

Please avail yourself of the helpful resources on that website including “Western Rite Radio,” daily readings from the Prologue of Ochrid and from the martyrology of the church!

Besides this official page; however, relatively few “seeker-friendly” resources on Western Rite Orthodox Christianity are available and that is because Western Rite Orthodox comprise a very tiny percentage of Orthodox Christians. (If you’re still wondering who Orthodox Christians are and what we believe, I haven’t written that post yet, but you’re welcome to google “Orthodox Christians” as there are many resources online.)

I did manage to find three videos below about the Western Rite, none of which are produced by our group, ROCOR-WR. They feature priests of the Antiochan Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, mostly Fr. Patrick Cardine.

Once again, I would caution my fellow Orthodox Christians that our particular expression of worship which we would create in Brookings Oregon under ROCOR-WR will not look exactly like Fr. Patrick’s parish or exactly like any of the various services you might find online. ROCOR-WR does not live-stream services. That being said, I find Fr. Patrick Cardine profitable to listen to. This interview by Austin Suggs of Gospel Simplicity is really informative and interesting:

Please also check out this very well-made and informative documentary by Adam Lowell Roberts featuring Fr. Patrick Cardine, Fr. Alban Waggener, and Fr. James Hamrick:

And the following is a documentary about a Western Rite Orthodox monastery in the Colorado Rockies colloquially known as Ladyminster, also by Adam Lowell Roberts:

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